Unlocking Inspiration For All Things Animation
Your guide for riding the creative roller coaster, fully caffeinated.
Hey there. You might recognize me – or, at least my avatar that’s attached to the name Oddernod wherever I hang out online.
This crazy guy? As much as people might think I look like a raging wrestler wearing a weird mask – that’s not what I actually look like 🤣
If this is your first time meeting me? Howdy – I’m Ryan. I’m an animator, motion designer, and a creative director, and I spend my days scouring the internet for anything and everything that has an element of animation to it, adding to my memory banks (and hard drives) for possible reference and inspiration on whatever project might land on my desk.
I spend a lot of time searching out inspiration to keep the work exciting and to find new ways to use our tools and help clients tell their story better.
That’s really what Keys & Curves is all about – unlocking your creative inspiration for all things animation, in a tidy and reliable weekly email.
What form that takes will evolve over time:
Top 10 lists of cool stuff I love
New artist spotlights
Process breakdowns
Deep dive essays
Tool reviews
And honestly, whatever you might be interested in hearing about – I find so many things from outside our little echo chamber of animation and motion design that I’m fascinated by – but will you be?
That’s for time to tell, but get ready for stuff I find in the history books, science journals, fashion shows, under the microscope. Weird animal movements, skaters biffing hard, athletes pulling off fantastic feats, actors making funny faces – it’s all up for grabs.
So if you’re a keyslinger, pixelpusher, or a curve operator?
There’s going to be something waiting for you here every week.
And if you consume massive amounts of animation and wanna learn more ? Get ready to have your eyes opened wide to the wonderful world of Keys & Curves.
PS – have you ever animated with Text Animators in After Effects? It’s kinda crazy how far you can push it to look cartoony. Let me know if you’re interested in a behind-the-scenes breakdown on how I push the squash & stretch.